Saturday 13 January 2007

Album Review: The Trip created by Snow Patrol

Previously appeared on
January 2005

Making mix tapes is a hazardous business at the best of times. While a thoughtfully assembled mix makes an excellent present, they tend to be difficult to put together. It always takes me ages to choose which songs to use, as I spend way too long wondering about how my choice of music reflects on my personality. And that warps into how I want them to think about me. And then I end up putting together a selection of tracks which aren't what I think the person might like, but what I think will make them like me more. It's like a mix-tape trap. And it doesn't reflect too well on me at all.

The Trip series is where famous music people put together a mix tape of their favourite tunes. The idea is to compile an easy going, chill out collection of tunes to stick on later into the evening when everyone is still up, but winding down. Nice, easy and atmospheric is the gist. The last compilation was put together by St. Etienne, and it was a bit of a surprise that Gary from Snow Patrol got the gig for The Trip 3.

When The Trip created by Snow Patrol arrived, the idea of Keane followed by Coldplay followed by Travis did flit across the mind, but we needn't have worried. There's not even Killers or Franz Ferdinand or their ilk, they've run with the laid back beats vibe and come up with a surprisingly interesting selection of better and lesser known tracks.

There's plenty of beats, many of them skewed. Alongside the more well known indie off-beats of four tet, mum and mylo there's unusualler stuff from likes of Knife [synths to the fore], Seelenluft and Cocorosie.

There is still room for more tracks closer to Snow Patrol's own stuff. There's more upbeat guitar pop from the likes of Joy Zipper, The Shins and TV on the Radio. Feist's Mushaboom is a clap along happy folksy end to the first disc. The Fiery Furnaces' bouncy piano lead 'Bow Wow' is super and the Republic of Loose's 'Girl I'm Gonna Fuck You Up' is unsurprisingly sleazy.

And that's not the only time that sexy shenanigans are hinted at. This is definitely an album to stick on as the party quiets down and people get to know each other better. If Gary gave this as a mix-tape [ok, CD] to my little sister, then I'd start to wonder if his intentions were entirely honourable. Sex in Dallas' 'Everybody Deserves to be Fucked' makes a persuasive argument. But not one I'd like her to hear.

Of course there is always going to be a few sore thumbs. Not so sure what Bill Withers is doing on here, and ex-Snow Patroller Iain Archer gets a listing, but all in all it's definitely some good.

So it's quite a mix. You could be cynical and say that if Gary and the lads listen to all these left of field tracks all the time, how come they spent the summer singing 'Light up, light up', and I can't answer that. Maybe they have fallen into the mix tape trap, and are looking to impress someone. But that doesn't really matter. The Trip created by Snow Patrol works as a decent after party chill out couple of hours, and also an introduction to some stuff you might not know. So recommended.

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